Jis is father to daughter Vana (16 months) and son Kiran (born 13-01-21). He has been living in Neerbeek with his wife Denise for about a year now, where he has been working on an extensive home renovation. DIY is his biggest hobby at the moment. Jis: “I don’t have time for other hobbies, the renovation takes up most of my time. With my background as a carpenter, I naturally try to do as much as possible myself. Hanging doors, installing walls, making ceilings... I’ve learned to work with my hands. And if I don’t know something, I just Google it. Or I ask my colleagues, because there are a lot of handymen among them.”

Engineering in wood
As a planner/draftsman, Jis has his office at the Linssen Yachts location on Kokstraat, within walking distance of the showroom. Along with 10 other engineers, together they form the business office. His duties include drawing and preparing wood-related projects, managing the furniture workshop and engineering new developments. Jis: “Incidentally, as a result of the coronavirus measures, I now work from home several days a week. I alternate with my colleagues in the business office, so that the office is always manned by someone.”

A typical working day
Jis: “I usually start my day by working on new developments. At the moment, for example, it’s the engineering for the Grand Sturdy 45.0 AC Intero. During the day, I regularly receive phone calls from colleagues on the Logicam production lines or from the furniture workshop. They sometimes have questions or run into challenges. If it’s urgent, I go and have a look myself and we try to find a solution as quickly as possible. I then go back to my normal engineering work. I enjoy working on new developments. But I also like figuring out the cause of a problem and what the best solution is.”

Pénichette Evolution
What is the most challenging project on which Jis has worked at Linssen Yachts?
Jis: “That has to be the development of the Pénichette Evolution in 2015, the special boat for the French charter company Locaboat Holidays. That was also my first major project. I was allowed to design the complete interior of that boat. It’s the only boat whose construction differs from the other yachts we build at Linssen. In terms of the interior, it had to be robust and able to take a beating. As an engineer, you then have to ensure that the timber constructions are technically correct and everything fits perfectly.”

At the beginning of his career, Jis was also largely occupied with working out special customer wishes. Jis: “I enjoyed doing that too, because you have to get the right information from all sorts of places within Production. You see and learn a lot that way, especially if you haven’t worked here long.”

Family business
Before Jis joined Linssen Yachts, he was not very familiar with the world of yacht building and pleasure yachts. Jis laughs: “I used to get seasick just standing in a harbour. It’s not like I’ve become an avid water sportsman, but I do look at water sports and motor yachts in a different way now. When I’m cycling over a bridge on the Meuse, I’m always curious to see what’s sailing by down below.”

Jis has felt completely at home at Linssen Yachts from his very first day there in 2013. And nothing has changed after almost 8 years. Jis: “Linssen is a real family business, you can sense that all around you. If you have a problem or a concern, you can talk to anyone. It’s very informal and people are approachable, and I really like that. Before coronavirus reared its ugly head, there was always time for a sociable drink with colleagues on a Friday afternoon. I hope that will soon be possible again.”

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